Join us on Wednesday, November 6 in the Student Center Theater at 3:00 PM for a University Hour presentation by Swati Khurana. Khurana was born in New Delhi and raised in the Hudson Valley. She began his professional career as a visual artist. From2011 she has applied himself to writing fiction, essays, and participating in collaborative art projects. Her writing has been published in such esteemed publications as The New York Times, and Chicago Quarterly Review, among others.
Currently, she is working on her novel The No.1 Printshop of Lahore and developing her podcast, “TBR: Tarot Books Radio,” which uses the format of a Tarot reading to have conversations, centering women-of-color artists, writers, and activists.
Khurana will speak about the 2013 protest staged in front of the Indian Consulate in NYC with the South Asian Women’s Creative Collective against the gang rape and death of the young woman Jyoti Singh on a Delhi bus in December 2012. Khurana will frame her conversation in the context of the #MeToo movement.
Khurana will also be hosting #EasternBlackOut Day November 6th at 12p in Student Center, Rm. 115 where she will create a dialogue surrounding the #MeToo movement in India and sexual violence as it relates to women of color.
For more information about #EasternBlackOut Day contact Jess Camera,